What your poo says about your gut health (and how to fix constipation)
I know, talking about poo isn’t everyone’s favourite topic, but your bowel movements have a lot to tell you about your digestive health, including your gut health and whether constipation might be an issue. So, it’s
Tired all the time? Your 10-minute secret to feeling less stressed and more centred.
What’s draining your energy? Let’s face it—our daily lives can feel like a marathon. From the moment we wake up, it’s non-stop: getting kids ready, responding to emails, preparing meals, squeezing in work, running err
Your autumn wellness protocol
Boost your digestion, hydration, and energy naturally with Chinese Medicine-inspired nutrition and lifestyle practices. We’ve moved clocks, yet our circadian rhythms stayed the same. It will take a couple of days, if no
Thirsty for more energy?
When it comes to digestion, staying properly hydrated is essential. It’s not just about drinking enough water; it’s also about what you drink, when you drink it, and how it impacts your digestive process. Why hydration ma
What does stress, digestion and tiredness have in common?
When you’re stressed, your body goes into “fight or flight” of “freeze” modes, which redirects energy away from the digestive system, slowing down its functions and making it harder to properly digest an
What You REALLY NEED When Expecting or Having a Baby
I recently met a friend who’s in her 32nd week of pregnancy and she asked me how to best prepare for the the life with a baby. This question took me way back in time. I remember getting ready for my child’s arrival 5 y
Bogged down with a ‘bug’? Reflections on embracing and gaining insights from illness.
Hello Winter, the Season of Colds, Flus and other Ailments! Have you ever faced that unwelcome bug that disrupts your whole life? Well, I recently battled one. As someone keen on holistic health, I turned to remedies like cup
How to Make the Most of the Festive Season
Christmas is just around the corner! We all have different plans and ways we enjoy or celebrate Christmas, yet we all take part in some Christmas-related activities and gatherings and so I think it’s always a good idea to c
Dear Mum, Are You Tired All the Time? Check Why!
One of the most overwhelming and debilitating parts of being a new mum is the tiredness that comes with it. It’s important to remember that tiredness is not just a part of life; it could be a signal from your body tha
How to Eat Less and Feel More Satisfied After a Meal
LET ME READ THIS ARTICLE FOR YOU LISTEN Hi friends, With our busy lifestyles, it is often a challenge to find time to cook and eat. We often need to prioritise daily tasks and it’s easy for meals to slip down the list.