
Dear Woman,

Do you currently feel stressed, anxious or under a lot of pressure?

Do you sometimes feel the frustration or anger building up and making your body feel tense and achy?

Would you like to find a way to allow your emotions to surface and let go of them in a safe way?


Close your eyes and allow the music, my guidance and your body to take you on a journey to the deepest levels of your subconsciousness, so that you can meet yourself and release any stagnant energy to make space for new!


Upcoming Flow Dance Meditation classes:

Friday, 8th December

Use the code FIRSTFLOW at the checkout for a 50% off your first class:

January 2024 – TBC
Join the tribe and be the first one to know about the upcoming classes, get access to audio and video recordings to practice with, and learn valuable wellbeing tips:

Kind words from participants:

"I loved the power of the music and the freedom to move in whatever way I felt, as well as the guidance by Emilia to look inwards and reflect on any thoughts and feelings that came up. I felt like I had released a lot of things during the class and felt so alive afterwards!"
"As soon as Emilia welcomed us into the room, the mood changed. Her welcoming smile and warm words immediately put me at ease, and I recognised the same response in others. "
"I'm not really sure how to put the dance part of the experience into words. Listening to the music, interwoven with Emilia's caring guidance, helped quiet my racing mind and unlock feelings I had unknowingly pushed deep down."

This therapeutic practice has been designed to help with:

  • Increasing happiness
  • Improving emotional regulation
  • Feeling grounded in the body
  • Releasing anxiety and depression
  • Releasing tension from the body
  • Heightening intrinsic motivation
  • Increasing creativity
  • Boosting feelings of gratitude
  • Improving levels of confidence

Previous participants said they felt:

  • Happy
  • Alive
  • Energised
  • Refreshed
  • Relaxed
  • Calm
  • Blissful
  • At peace
  • Connected to myself and Source
  • Thankful
  • Empowered
  • Excited for the future and future connections with likeminded women
What to expect:

The class is an un-choreographed, free-moving meditation practice, which encourages self-expression and discovery. It allows you to explore and express how you feel through movement. You don’t have to learn any steps and there’s no pressure to perform, making it easier to relax, allowing the body and mind to get into a state of flow.

We use the music as a conduit to let the mind and body transcend into a state of bliss, using varied tempos, rhythms and melodic moods within the music to support the facilitators guidance and help you to connect to the river of energy flowing within you.

This practice is about finding embodied presence, experiencing yourself in the moment, strengthening your felt sense of self and building awareness so you have more choices in responding to life, instead of getting stuck in reactive states where you only see one way out.

Event details:

We begin by gathering in a circle to greet one another and we will then be guided by the music and my voice to connect with ourselves and move. The music will change its tempo and melody throughout the class and is divided into three sections – CONNECT, MOVE & RELEASE. We will close the class with a circle and send each other off with a smile. If anything comes to the surface – I am here to support you.

This a female-only class for all ages and abilities – no previous experience is required! Simply turn up with some water, cushion, blanket and an open heart. Most people dance with their eyes closed and we commit to be non-judgemental to ourselves and each other. The class is for a limited number of participants to allow us to feel comfortable and safe.

Frequently Asked Questions:

Turn up in comfortable clothes with some water, cushion or bolster and a blanket.

No previous experience is needed, simply turn up with an open heart and allow yourself to dance like you! We commit to be non-judgemental towards ourselves and each other.

You are welcomed to pause/sit down at any time and you can always leave if you feel like. I will be happy to refund you the ticket if you discover the class isn’t right for you.

Yes, however bookings are required due to a limited number of participants. If you’d prefer to pay by cash please email me to book: emilia@youroptimumnutrition.co.uk